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Hybrid Tomato Volos F1

volos fi tomato

Home Harvest has introduced another interesting hybrid tomato variety called Volos F1 from Bakker Brothers Holland.

This tomato variety is high yielding, bearing between 100 to 140 fruits of uniform size weighing between 120g to 140g if well managed.  The harvest period ranges between1.5month to 2months. This variety on average yields up to 30 tons per acre. The fruits have a good shelf life of 25-30 days after harvest when stored in a cool dry place making it suitable for export market. Volos F1 is specifically bred with special attributes of being resistant to tomato spotted wilt, varticulum wilt, root knots caused by nematodes and Fusarium wilt.

It is one of the early maturing varieties with first harvest to be observed in 75 days from time of transplanting. Volos F1 has proved to be a superior variety with blocky compacted fruits. Its fruits are desired on the market due to its sweet aroma, longer shelf life of up to 30 days after harvest under cool temperature.

Visit your nearest agro dealer for more details about Home Harvest Volos F1.

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